søndag den 31. januar 2010

Why Google suck and should be closed

When google first came alive on the net I was fucking loving it at last there was an search engine that could deliver the results I was looking for.

I was a great time when I typed in porn i got all the porn in could possible want and a shit load more that I could download.

Those where happy days, I started creating web sites and published them to the net with out caring about meta tags or any kind of seo those words where pretty seldom in those days.

One day I started a blog site with stupid and of course porn videos and things began to move pretty fast suddenly I had to think about meta tags seo and a lot of other stuff.

My site grew from a few thousand visitors a day to about 50.000 in a year or 2. I began to spend money on seo and traffic started to go up I decided not to try and do any sneaky stuff to trick google into liking my site and watched the site getting more and more traffic, over a year it went from 50.000 to 100.000 and I really thought "I'm getting good at this SEO".

But you know what goes up must come down one day I went in to check my stats trough Google analytic and WTF from one day to another the site went from 100.000 to 30.000 oh my fucking god what is going on ?

I jumped to the search engine I knew best Google and started to search for an answer.
But wtf no nothing showed up sure there was a lot of suggestions but who can really say what is wrong other that EVIL google?

I used a lot of money on seo experts about 5000$ but all I got from these experts was the standard questions "Is your site having any errors?", "have you changed something?", "There are some other site that has hijacked your site", "google have done something that affect your site?" Uh yes idiots I noticed that.

I went over my site again and again looking for errors and testing but there was nothing wrong, I posted on every board I could find and all I got was the same standard answers that I already paid for. And then i realised no one really know anything about what is going on inside good old Evil Google.

One day I saw my site with no warning bounce from 30.000 back to 100.000 and staying there for exactly 3 days and then back to 30 and it have stayed there for month now.

I lost my income due to this and I also lost my belief in that you cant know how to make google like you, believe me you really can't google will come to you if it feels like it and if it suddenly decides that you suck it will fuck you up and leave you like a mad girlfriend.

So what kind of people are we putting our life into the hands of someone we don't know, can't call and cant ask a question?

I will have to say we are idiots.....

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